Monday, March 27 Y
brid-p theory

Human Psychologist-Biologist-Physicist associates popularly known as Jiraiya-sama of Leaf and Gaara-Kazekage of Wind put forward another theory, the BriD-P Theory. This has been made possible through the aid of another Neurosis-Blessed theorian tagged as Espesyal_na_Bata of Food Techies.

BriD-P Theory states that Every human being (homo sapiens-sapiens) whose astrology sign is Sagittarius or birth is within the month of December prefers Turon over banana-cue and carioca.

The virtual reason for their liking is the turon's crunchy and brittle texture when eaten that remarkably coincides with their intrepid personalities. The postulate stated above doesnt concern any individual who hasnt even heard or tasted Turon all his/her life. In addition, the theory is limited inside the Philippine archipelago.

screenwriting an apology @ 10:52 AM

x x x

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